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Addressing Healthcare In The Republic of Yemen​​

Although Yemen has achieved goal # 4 of reducing child mortality and Target 5.A of goal # 5, there is still much work that needs to be done in the healthcare sector to improve the quality of service provided. Currently, Yemen has an under five child mortality rate of 77 deaths per 1,000 live births and a maternal mortality ratio of 200 deaths by 100,000 live births. While these figures have decreased drastically, they are still relatively high compared to other developing and developed countries. To achieve Millennium Development Goals # 4, 5 and 6 that relate to healthcare, we will be partnering with two well established organizations. Of the $74,399,640 that will be spent on the Healthcare sector, 75% of the funding will go to the Humanitarian Aid & Development Organization to continue its amazing work in Yemen. The Humanitarian Aid & Development Organization runs numerous hospitals and other smaller clinics in rural areas that provide services to thousands of patients. The remaining 25% will go to Worldwide Services, a Dutch non profit run by volunteer doctors who run outpatient clinics providing outpatient care for men, women and children; extensive obstetric activities; and operating facilities for general surgery, obstetric surgery and eye surgery. Funding these organizations will ensure that goals # 4, 5 and 6 will be achieved by 2015 and will also be maintained well into the future. ​

Partnering With

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